Unlock the science behind financial decision-making:

A training programme for marketing professionals

Financial services are unlike any other industry. Products are often complex, and consumers face overwhelming choices. 

To cut through the noise and guide consumers towards action, marketers need a deep understanding of what really drives people’s decisions – both at a conscious and unconscious level. 

This six-module training programme equips financial services marketers with tools from behavioural science and human behaviour research to give them the edge.

The programme

The programme breaks down the core psychological and behavioural drivers behind financial decision-making. Here’s what your team will take away:

Understanding motivation

Discover how various segments of your audience are motivated differently and how to engage each one effectively.

Engaging emotions

Understand how emotions drive financial choices and how to make your marketing appeal on an emotional level.

Behavioural biases

Explore how hidden biases influence decision-making and how to adjust your messaging to overcome them.

The behavioural buying process

Understand the different stages of your clients' decision-making process and how how this shapes what they need from you.

A fresh perspective on marketing

Rethink how to position your services by leveraging deeper insights into human behaviour.

The three key behavioural hurdles

Identify and overcome the barriers that prevent clients from taking action.

The six-module training can be delivered online or in-house for teams of 8 or more. Each module provides actionable insights, practical examples, and interactive exercises to bring human behaviour into the heart of your marketing strategy.

Who is it for?

This programme is ideal for marketers in financial services who are involved in:

Next steps

Group programmes run quarterly. In-house programmes can be scheduled at a time that suits.

Get in touch today to find out more about recurring sessions or your firm’s specific needs.