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How much would you pay for a week off work?

Not just the usual week off but one where you can switch your phone off.  Where the emails don’t pile up ready for your return.

A week without the pressure or work responsibilities. And where you didn’t have to worry about the money you spent.

I know I’d pay a lot for it.

Now how much would you pay for 26 weeks like this? Or even 52?

If you help your clients retire earlier than they would otherwise be able to without your advice – then this is the value you’re adding.

Providing clients with an extra 52 lots of stress-free, commute-free, email-free weeks feels far more valuable than ‘achieving financial independence.’

Specificity is valuable. It’s the specific experience of a comfortable retirement that they’re paying for.

For your prospective clients to understand your true value, we first need to be clear about the outcome you’re really providing. 

Not just in broad terms, but what life would look like if they engaged with you as their adviser.

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